Our users

Modeling enthusiasists that have an interest in scale warbird aircraft will be devoted to sites that cater to their needs and desires.  If you have a desire to be around scale model military aircraft of any era, any nationality, and motive power, then you are encouraged to not only visit this site but also attend the event at our Bayview Park facility the last weekend of July.  We offer entertainment for the whole family including raffles, prize draws, food, and entertainment.  Local amenities include hotels/motels, on-site camping (no hook-ups), electrical outlets for charging only, and a local hobby store just minute away.  Our facility now sports a 400 x 40 ft paved runway (completed September 10th, 2013) with adjacent grass strip.  Give us a try, come on out and enjoy yourself.  Visit any time of year that the weather is relatively calm, and talk with our club members.  If you decide to join our club, there are monthly meetings from September to May, a Wings Program where you learn to fly with the aid of an instructor until your skills are sufficient to be able to safely fly solo and two flying fields, Bayview Park on King Road, and Bronte Creek Provincial Park, off Burloak Drive.

Talk to our members for more information or visit our website at
